Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hotel de Sal UYUNI

I do not remember the name but we stayed there and it was incredible!! the hotel is made of salt, must be a mix of salt and gravel and as explained by our guide they coated the brick salt with some sort of resign. they would not elaborated in the composition as they claimed copy rights??? Never the less we pay about 100 dollars per room. there was a confusion at check out time because the manager tried to collect 100 dollars per person. after fixing the mixed up we left for isla del pescado. I rate this hotel 5 stars considering location, service and the logistic for this place to be there from the beginning.

Did you know that they had to run an exclusive electric line from the closest town. Energy is not exactly abundant in this area. So if you travel over there rate accordingly and tip accordingly, please dont be cheap.

Park Noel Kempff Mercado.

Estoy preparando una expedicion al parque noel kempff mercado noreste de bolivia. De acuero a informacion obtenida en el interent. El viaje de Srz Bol al campamento florida es de alrededor 2 dias. por el momento solo tengo fotografias del lugar. como veran el camino es muy dificil en algunos lugares habra que habrir monte a puro machetazos, pero los paisajes son incomparables.
Sera una experiencia inolvidable.
De regreso daremos una vueltita por la laguna de la gaiba en busca de algunas gemas.