Monday, August 3, 2009

salar de uyuni

It looks like an ocean but it is the salar de uyuni, the biggest salt lake in the world and the number one tourist attraction in Boliva. this picture was taken in our way back from the Tunupa mountain. see later post about the chullpas.

The tunupa Volcano. Home of the


This are pictures of "ojitos del salar"
they are actually cold gazers or water eruptions from deep the Salar.
The water is heavy in all sorts of minerals known in the area to cure all types of illness. We tried it and we hope it works!!

View from the tunupa volcano

well its me. any nice senoritas out there..? I'm single. and looking ja ja ja

pizza place at uyuni town. best place in town period.

salt hotel

typical land cruiser used to haul tourists.

salt hotel uyuni int he flats nice room.
Driving the Land cruiser In the salt flats UYUNI-BOLIVIA
Isla de pescado. Nice place to have lunch.

View from isla del pescado.

Salt blocks. very cheap please buy some and make some local really happy.

Some people report strong magnetic fields at salar de uyuni, they claim this fields will help you get rid off of bad luck and illnesses, in order to get full- advantage of the mysterious powers, its recommended you get butt naked and roll over the salt. ja ja enjoy it!! its not a joke.


land cruiser paradise!!

feel free to bring your flag.

pizza place in uyuni.

salt bar in uyuni.

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