Monday, August 6, 2012


following some pictures and video of the chapare tropical Bolivia, DPT of cbba. As you can see the road could be a little dangerous.The ladie in the back of the wagon is a "cholita and such a vehicles are called "surubis", they are used as taxis in Bolivia.

it takes about 6 hours to get from Cochabamba to Santa Cruz by road.

Bolivian roads are only for EXPERIENCED drivers. please don't experiment, it could cost you your life.
When passing the small towns please be carefully, slow down, remember in Bolivia anything can happen. Expect various Police road blocks and tolls, if driving they'll ask for Drivers licence and documents, also they'll check vehicles for narcotics, first aid kit, emergency road signal kit and fire extinguisher are a must. There is no Police presence in the area of Villa Tunary witch  its controlled by the Coca Farmers followers of Evo Morales. This area its considered RED. Red means high traffic of cocaine dealers and bandoleros. Exercise caution all the time!! locals are very volatile and don't like gringos.
Road blocks because of social unrest are typical in this zone, we almost got in to a fight with the gentleman in the picture.

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